title = {A Belief Revision System for the World Wide Web} year = {1997} Note = {IJCAI Workshop on AI and the Internet} Web page = {webworld/ai-internet.html} @article{ref140,
title = {A Practical Approach to Revising Prioritized Knowledge Bases } year = {2002} journal = {Studia Logica } Volume = {Volume 70, Number 1 } Note = {Its free online from the Studia Logica website.} Web page = {http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0039-3215} Keywords = {possibilistic reasoning nonmonotonic reasoning knowledge representation iterated belief revision intelligent system design decision making database applications commonsense reasoning belief base revision automated reasoning } @book{ref12,
title = {A Textbook of Belief Dynamics} year = {1997} Publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers} @article{ref1,
title = {A Truth Maintenance System} pages = {231--272} year = {1979} number = {12} journal = {Artificial Intelligence} @techreport{ref103,
title = {A Unified View of Constructive Modellings for Revision} year = {1992} number = {431} Institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Sydney} @inproceedings{ref116,
title = {A framework for requirements analysis using automated reasoning} book title = {Advanced Information Systems Engineering: Proc. Seventh International Conference} pages = {61--81} year = {1995} Editor = {Iivari, J. and Lyytinen, K. and Rossi, M.} Volume = {LNCS-932} Publisher = {Springer-Verlag} @inproceedings{ref64,
title = {A knowledge level analysis of belief revision} book title = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning} pages = {301-311} year = {1991} Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann} @incollection{ref78,
title = {A nonmonotonic conditional logic for belief revision} book title = {The logic of theory change} pages = {135--183} address = {Berlin} Editor = {Fuhrmann, A. and Morreau, M.} Publisher = {Springer Verlag} @incollection{ref110,
title = {A reason for explanation: Explanations provide stable reasons} book title = {Existence and Explanation} pages = {165--196} year = {1991} Editor = {Spohn, W.} Publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers} @incollection{ref105,
title = {Accretion, tuning and restructuring: Three modes of learning} book title = {Semantic Factors in Cognition} pages = {37--54} address = {Hilldale, NJ} Editor = {Cotton, J.W. and Klatzky, R.} Publisher = {Lawerence Erbaum Associates} @book{ref11,
title = {An Essay on Contraction} year = {1997} address = {Stanford University} Publisher = {CSLI Publications} Web page = {http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~mdr/SiLLI/silli-fuhrmann.html} @inproceedings{ref49,
title = {An Object-Oriented Web-Based Revision and Extraction Engine: SATEN} book title = {Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning, NMR2000} Web page = {http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.AI/0003059} Keywords = {decision making belief base revision diagnosis agent-oriented software engineering automated reasoning implementation issue } @inproceedings{ref18,
title = {Anytime Belief Revision} book title = {International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence} year = {1997} Web page = {webworld/belief.revision/anytime.ps} @book{ref13,
year = {1992} Editor = {Gärdenfors, P.} Publisher = {Cambridge Press} @inproceedings{ref131,
title = {Belief Revision in Market Research} book title = {Proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Cognitive Science} year = {1997} Note = {to appear on CD} Web page = {~heath/cogsci97/williams.pdf} @inproceedings{ref22,
title = {Belief Revision via Database Update} book title = {International Intelligent Information Systems Conference} year = {1997} @inproceedings{ref129,
title = {Belief Revision via Database Update} book title = {Proceedings of the International Intelligent Information Systems Conference} pages = {410--415} year = {1997} Publisher = {IEEE Press} @article{ref55,
title = {Belief awareness and limited reasoning} pages = {39--76} year = {1988} journal = {Artificial Intelligence} Volume = {34} @phdthesis{ref69,
title = {Belief change and reasoning about action: An axiomatic approach to modelling inert dynamic worlds and the connection to the logic of theory change} year = {1993} School = {University of Sydney, Australia} @inproceedings{ref65,
title = {Belief revision and default reasoning: Syntax-based approaches} book title = {Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning} pages = {301--311} year = {1991} Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann} @book{ref133,
title = {Conceptual Spaces: The Geometry of Thought} year = {2000} Series = {A Bradford Book} Publisher = {MIT Press} Web page = {http://www.lucs.lu.se/People/Peter.Gardenfors} Keywords = {psychological issues ontologies nonmonotonic reasoning knowledge representation commonsense reasoning } @book{ref108,
title = {Conceptual structures: Information processing in mind and machine} year = {1984} Series = {The Systems Programming Series} Publisher = {Addison-Wesley Publishing Company} @article{ref130,
title = {Constructive Modelings for Theory Change} year = {1995} number = {1} journal = {Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic} Volume = {36} @article{ref122,
title = {Constructive modelings for theory change} pages = {120--133} year = {1995} number = {1} journal = {Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic} Volume = {36} @article{ref17,
title = {Counterfactuals and updates as inverse modalities} pages = {123--146} year = {1997} number = {6} journal = {Journal of Logic, Language and Information} Web page = {ftp://ftp.cs.bham.ac.uk/pub/authors/M.D.Ryan/97-jolli.ps.gz} @book{ref107,
title = {Decision, order and time in human affairs} year = {1961} Publisher = {Cambridge University Press} @techreport{ref112,
title = {Determining explanations using knowledge transmutations} year = {1994} Institution = {University of Sydney} @inproceedings{ref132,
title = {Determining explanations using transmutations} book title = {Proc. Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence} pages = {822--830} year = {1995} Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann} @inproceedings{ref76,
title = {Explanation and theory base transmutations} book title = {Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence} year = {1994} Note = {to appear} @incollection{ref121,
title = {From Belief Revision to Design Revision: Applying Theory Change to Changing Requirements} book title = {Learning and Reasoning with Complex Represntations} pages = {207--222} year = {1998} Publisher = {Springer Verlag} @book{ref136,
year = {2001} number = {22} Editor = {Mary-Anne Williams and Hans Rott} Series = {Applied Logic Series} Publisher = {Kluwer} Web page = {http://www.wkap.nl/book.htm/0-7923-7021-X} Keywords = {psychological issues probabilistic reasoning possibilistic reasoning nonmonotonic reasoning knowledge representation iterated belief revision intelligent system design information management implementation issue general applications diagnosis decision making database applications computational complexity commonsense reasoning business applications belief base revision automated reasoning } @incollection{ref118,
title = {General patterns in nonmonotonic reasoning} book title = {Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming} pages = {35--110} year = {1994} Volume = {3} Publisher = {Oxford University Press} @inbook{ref15,
title = {Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming} year = {1995} Editor = {Gärdenfors, P. and Rott, H.} Volume = {IV} Series = {Epistemic and Temporal Reasoning} Publisher = {unknown} Chapter = {4.2} @article{ref62,
title = {How to give it up: A survey of some formal aspects of the logic of theory change} pages = {347--363} year = {1985} journal = {Synthese} Volume = {62} @incollection{ref16,
title = {Implementing Belief Revision} book title = {Nonmonotonic Reasoning} year = {1997} Editor = {Antoniou, G.} Publisher = {MIT Press} @article{ref138,
title = {Inventiveness as belief revision and a heuristic rule of inventive design} year = {2000} journal = {Springer Verlag Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1821} Volume = {1821} Web page = {www3.sympatico.ca/karasik/cv.html} Keywords = {nonmonotonic reasoning decision making belief base revision automated reasoning } @inproceedings{ref52,
title = {Investigations into a theory of knowledge base revision: preliminary report} book title = {Proceedings of the seventh National Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence} pages = {475--479} year = {1988} @article{ref120,
title = {Iterated Belief Change Based on Epistemic Entrenchment} pages = {353--390} year = {1994} journal = {Erkenntnis} Volume = {4} @inproceedings{ref127,
title = {Iterated Theory Base Change: A Computational Model} book title = {Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence} pages = {1541--1550} year = {1995} Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers} @book{ref9,
title = {Knowledge in Flux: Modeling the Dynamics of Epistemic States} year = {1988} Publisher = {MIT Press} @book{ref100,
title = {Knowledge in flux: Modeling the dynamics} year = {1988} address = {Cambridge} Publisher = {MIT Press} @inproceedings{ref101,
title = {Model checking v.'s theorem proving: A manifesto} book title = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning} pages = {325--334} year = {1991} Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann} @inproceedings{ref77,
title = {Multiple contraction: A further case against Gärdenfors' principle of recovery} book title = {The Logic of Theory Change, Proceedings for the workshop at Konstanz} year = {1991} address = {Berlin} Publisher = {Springer-Verlag} @article{ref60,
title = {New operators for theory change} pages = {115--132} year = {1989} journal = {Theoria} Volume = {55} @inproceedings{ref20,
title = {Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Multiple Belief Changes} book title = {International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence} year = {1997} @inproceedings{ref59,
title = {Nonmonotonic inference based on expectations} book title = {Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning} year = {1991} Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann} @inproceedings{ref72,
title = {On epistemic logic and logical omniscience} book title = {Proceedings of the First Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge Conference} pages = {293--305} year = {1986} Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann} @book{ref6,
title = {On the Difference between Updating a Knowledge Database and Revising It} year = {1992} Editor = {P. Gärdenfors} Series = {Belief Revision} Publisher = {Cambridge Press} @article{ref8,
title = {On the Logic of Iterated Belief Revision} pages = {1--29} year = {1997} number = {89} journal = {Artificial Intelligence} @incollection{ref126,
title = {On the Logic of Theory Base Change} book title = {Logics in Artificial Intelligence} pages = {86--105} year = {1994} Editor = {MacNish, C. and Pearce, D. and Pereira, L.M.} Volume = {LNCS No 835} Publisher = {Springer Verlag} @book{ref14,
year = {1991} Editor = {Fuhrmann, A. and Morreau, M.} Volume = {No. 465} Publisher = {Springer Verlag} Note = {Lecture Notes in Artificial} @article{ref3,
title = {On the Logic of Theory Change: Contraction Functions and Their Associated Revision Functions} pages = {14--37} year = {1982} number = {48} journal = {Theoria} @article{ref2,
title = {On the Logic of Theory Change: Partial Meet Functions for Contraction and Revision} pages = {510--530} year = {1985} number = {50} journal = {Journal of Symbolic Logic} @article{ref4,
title = {On the Logic of Theory Change: Safe Contraction} pages = {405--422} year = {1985} number = {44} journal = {Studia Logica} @techreport{ref111,
title = {On the logic of theory change} year = {1993} Note = {A revised version of a Technical Report, University of Sydney, 1992} Institution = {Information Systems Research Report, University of Newcastle} @incollection{ref104,
title = {On the logic of theory change: More maps between different kinds of contraction functions} book title = {Belief Revision} year = {1992} Editor = {Gardenfors, P.} Publisher = {Cambridge University Press} @inproceedings{ref61,
title = {On the relation between explicit and implicit beliefs} book title = {Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning} pages = {368--375} year = {1991} Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann} @article{ref63,
title = {On the status of the postulate of recovery in the logic of theory change} pages = {383--394} year = {1987} journal = {Journal of Philosophical Logic} Volume = {16} @incollection{ref109,
title = {Ordinal conditional functions: A dynamic theory of epistemic states} book title = {Causation in decision, belief change, and statistics} pages = {105--134} year = {1988} Editor = {Harper, W.L., and Skyrms, B.} Volume = {II} Publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers} @book{ref70,
title = {Plausible reasoning: An introduction to the theory and practice of Plausibilistic Inference} year = {1976} address = {Amsterdam} Publisher = {Van Gorcum} @incollection{ref115,
title = {Possibilistic Logic} book title = {Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming} year = {1994} address = {Oxford} Editor = {Gabbay, D. and Hogger, C. and Robinson, J.} Volume = {3} Series = {Nonmonotonic Reasoning and uncertain Reasoning} Publisher = {Claredon Press} @article{ref137,
title = {Prolegomena to Concise Theories of Action} pages = {403 - 418} year = {2001} number = {3} journal = {Studia Logica} Volume = {67} Web page = {/maryanne/papers/conciseness.zip} Keywords = {reasoning about action } @article{ref7,
title = {Qualitative Probabilities for Default Reasoning, Belief Revision, and Causal Modeling} pages = {57--112} year = {1996} number = {84} journal = {Artificial Intelligence} @inproceedings{ref134,
title = {Reasoning about Categories in Conceptual Spaces} book title = {Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence} pages = {109 - 115} year = {2001} Editor = {Bernhard Nebel} Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann} Web page = {/maryanne/papers/IJCAI01ConceptualSpaces.pdf} Keywords = {psychological issues ontologies nonmonotonic reasoning knowledge representation intelligent system design decision making database applications computational complexity commonsense reasoning } @inproceedings{ref19,
title = {Representation Theorems for Multiple Belief Changes} book title = {International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence} year = {1997} @book{ref10,
title = {Representation and Reasoning in Hybrid Representation Systems} year = {1990} Publisher = {Springer Verlag} @inproceedings{ref114,
title = {Revision Sequences and Nested Conditionals} book title = {Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence} pages = {519--525} year = {1993} Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann} @inproceedings{ref58,
title = {Revisions of knowledge systems using epistemic entrenchment} book title = {Proceedings of the Second Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge Conference} pages = {83--95} year = {1988} Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann} @phdthesis{ref102,
title = {Studies in belief change} year = {1993} School = {Department of Philosophy, University of Rochester, USA} @article{ref139,
journal = {Anti TRIZ-journal} Note = {TRIZ} Web page = {http://www3.sympatico.ca/karasik} Keywords = {belief base revision } @article{ref57,
title = {The dynamics of belief systems: Foundations vs. coherence} year = {1989} journal = {Revue Internationale de Philosophie} @article{ref56,
title = {Theory contraction through base contraction} pages = {175--203} year = {1991} journal = {Journal of Philosophical Logic} Volume = {20} @article{ref106,
title = {Theory revision and probability} pages = {45--78} year = {1991} number = {2} journal = {Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic} Volume = {32} @inproceedings{ref128,
title = {Towards a Practical Approach to Belief Revision: Reason-Based Change} book title = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning} pages = {412--421} year = {1996} Editor = {Aiello, L.C. and Shapiro, C.} Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers} @techreport{ref73,
title = {Transmutations for theory base Change} year = {1993} Note = {A revised and corrected version of a paper with the same title in the Proceedings of the Joint Australian Artificial Intelligence Conference} Institution = {University of Newcastle} @phdthesis{ref74,
title = {Transmutations of knowledge systems} year = {1993} School = {Department of Computer Science, University of Sydney, Australia} @inproceedings{ref75,
title = {Transmutations of knowledge systems} book title = {Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference} year = {1994} address = {San Mateo, CA} Editor = {Doyle, J. and Sandwall, E. and Torasso, P.} Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann} Note = {to appear} @article{ref5,
title = {Two Modellings for Theory Change} pages = {157--170} year = {1988} number = {17} journal = {Journal of Philosophical Logic} @article{ref71,
title = {Two methods of constructing contractions and revisions of knowledge systems} pages = {149--173} year = {1991} journal = {Journal of Philosophical Logic} Volume = {20} @inproceedings{ref123,
title = {Two operators for theory bases} book title = {Proc. Australian Joint Artificial Intelligence Conference} pages = {259--265} year = {1992} Publisher = {World Scientific} @inproceedings{ref135,
title = {Weakening Conflicting Information for Iterated Revision and Knowledge Integration,} book title = {Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence} Editor = {Bernhard Nebel} Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann} Web page = {/maryanne/papers/IJCAI01Conflicts.pdf} Keywords = {agent design automated reasoning belief base revision commonsense reasoning decision making diagnosis implementation issue information management intelligent system design iterated belief revision knowledge representation nonmonotonic reasoning possibilistic reasoning } |
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